Thursday, August 18, 2011

Independence Day Celebrations at Chavadi

We had a great time in ‘The Chavadi Child Welfare Society’ on 15 Aug. We spent around 5 hours with the students conducting Essay Writing (Topic: My Pledge to the Nation), Elocution (Topic: The Constitution of India), Singing (Topic: Patriotic Songs), Drawing / Painting (Topic: A National Leader / Freedom Fighter) and Quiz (Topic: Current Affairs) competitions.

We also discussed on their 1st Unit Test results. We are thankful to all the volunteers who supported our needs without which we would not be able to perform this at a grand level. The children has shown exceptional public speaking skills and their knowledge in current affairs in the quiz competition is appreciable. Not sure how many of us would be able to answer them correct! Also, it is evident from their First Unit Test results that they are improving in academics gradually and completing their school education in flying colors.

We are always thankful to each and every one of you, who have been with us in all the activities we are conducting through VSS. We request your continuous support for the long run of these activities.

Please go through the below link for the Independence Day Celebration photos:

People who are all interested to support the needy, please transfer your donations to Lohit Challapalli's account. Please find the below bank details:

Bank Name : CITI Bank
Account No : 5115453558
Branch : Hyderabad


Bank Name : HDFC Bank
Account No : 00041610006682
Branch : ITC Centre, Chennai

Note: While contributing, please donate all the funds with the Transfer Description as “ VSS ” which means “Vivekananda Seva Samithi”

“The miracle is not that we do this work but that we are happy to do it...” - Mother Teresa