We would like to share two important things about our contribution to poor students in Chavadi Child welfare society.
Recently, wehave seen many kind hearts sponsoring dinner to poor student’s in the ashram. All the credit goes to our friend 'Santosh'. In his words, “Though my financial contribution to VSS is less, I will spread the word about VSS and will try my best to join many people to this noble cause.” And he is doing it! Any function / gathering happens in his apartment, he is trying to donate some food to Ashram, many of his office friends, colony friends are sponsoring dinner for their birthdays, wedding anniversaries, onsite travels. In addition to that, they are donating good amount as well. Thanks Santu. Friends, I would like to share this, so that we can inspire from him and do our bit to join many more people to this noble cause.
FYI- If we give 1000/-, they will serve food for 32 students in that Ashram. People who are all interested can contact Aneesh (9908507838), manager of that Ashram to sponsor dinner in working days and even lunch/dinner on Sundays.
I felt very happy when popular film maker Mr. Madhura Sreedhar has visited poor students Ashramam. Actually, he is very busy in production work of 4 films, pre-production of work of 1 film and managing Madhura Audio Company. Even he is so much occupied; he visited ashramam with his family and promised them to do his best contribution to poor students. "Sir, we are very much thankful to you". Friends, I would like to share this, so that we can inspire from him and will plan our activities to make some space to spend valuable time with poor students.
FYI- People who are all interested to spend some valuable time and give moral support to these poor students, can reach them after 5.30pm every day and on Sundays you can reach them at any time.
Poor Students Ashram
The Chavadi Child Welfare Society,
Plot No: 224, Telecom Nagar, Gachibowli, Hyderabad.
Land Mark: Moulana Azad Urdu University Main Entrance Gate
Website: www.tccws.org
Raghu Veer extended his support and sponsored for this year domain name and the hosting charges for www.tccws.org http://www.tccws.org/. Thanks a lot Ragu. This site is maintained by our friend Vasu. Special thanks for him for taking up time and updating this site frequently.
Friends, VSS is thankful to all of you who have been supporting these poor students either by giving money or by giving your valuable time for them. We believe that you will be supporting them in future as well.
Rasool Oruganti
General Secretary,
Vivekananda Seva Samithi